Gotek USB Floppy Drive Emulator
Please consider buying pre-flashed and pre-modded Goteks from me...
* Does the Gotek work with my host device? Click this link to look up your device and see what you need to do to get it to work.
* Can't find the information there? Join the developer's Facebook group and search for the answer.
(or ask in a new post)
* Want to buy a bare-bones Gotek and modify it yourself? The following link provides the extensive information I have collected and constructed for a DIY modded Gotek.
* Does your Gotek have an upside-down screen? I made a youtube video on how to fix this issue.
* I have published many videos on YouTube:
General Notes:

I have sold Goteks to buyers with every conceivable device. Out of hundreds sold, I have had just a few returned. They always test good when I receive them back, and they were known to be compatible with those buyer's devices.

That brings us to our second point: users with troubles. There are bound to be gotek buyers with problems releated to their host device and not the Gotek. Cables go bad, harware interfaces fail, improper installations occur.

That is not to say the goteks do not fail. However, I test every one and catch the faulty ones before they get sent to buyers. I am still waiting for a truly faulty Gotek to come back as a return. I imagine it will happen eventually.